Hi, I'm Moaad Taaghi

Backend Developer

I am a backend developer with a solid mastery of technologies essential such as Laravel 8, PHP 8 and AJAX. My expertise extends database management, covering both databases SQL and NoSQL, including MongoDB, which allows me to create efficient backend solutions and evolving. Although my main concern is the development backend, I also have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, which facilitates collaboration with the frontend teams. Moreover, I am familiar with the principles software design, including UML (Unified Modeling Language), My commitment to staying up to date with industry trends and my determination to provide high-end backend solutions quality makes me an asset valuable for any team development.

My journey


2021 - 2023

Diplome DTS - Istitut spécialisée de technologie appliquée

In 2021 and 2023, I earned my DTS diploma in Digital Development with a specialization in full-stack web development.

2020 - 2021

Bachelor of Science - Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdelah High School

In 2021, I took on the challenge of the baccalaureate in physical sciences with determination. Despite the challenges and moments of doubt, I persevered and dedicated countless hours to study and preparation.



Certificate Data Analysis - UNICEF

In August, I obtained a certificate in basic data analysis concepts.

2020 - 2021

Web development internship - Company


Certificate Digital Marketing - Google

In August, I obtained a certificate in basic data analysis concepts.

My Skills

Coding Skills

MySql 95%

PHP 8 90%

HTML 5 90%

bootstrap 90%

LARAVEL 10 70%

NOSQL mongoDB 60%

CSS 50%

Python :algorithme-nosql 40%

javaScript 30%

Profissional Skills

web Development 70%

Methode Agil 50%

Web design20%

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